In the European Union may appear a president and unified army
Eleven foreign ministers of the EU countries have proposed to create the post of EU president, elected by popular vote, to form a common Foreign Ministry enter the European single entry visa, and may form a single army.
EU reform project aimed at the dramatic increase in the centralization of power was set out in a document that was after a meeting of the group on the future of the European Union, held on Monday in Warsaw.
The group on the future of EU Foreign Ministers includes 11 of the 27 countries of the Union - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain - that is, all of the most influential and largest EU countries, except the United kingdom. Obviously, the tone of the group asked Germany and France, according to the British press.
"In order for Europe to be a real actor and a global leader, it must have a strong structure of the institutions - quoted a joint statement of the foreign ministers of Germany and Poland Guido Westerwelle and Radoslaw Sikorski. - It requires a president elected directly, who will personally appoint the members of the 'European government'. "
In that case, if the reform is adopted, the individual EU countries will be deprived of the right to veto in matters of foreign policy and security, as well as the ratification of European treaties. This means that individual countries will have to support the foreign policy actions with which they disagree. Also, the project envisages that the EU countries will be unable to deny the fundamental documents on the results of the referendums held them, as has happened, like ITAR-TASS.
Adoption of the document will also strengthen the powers of office EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and its transformation into a fully-European diplomatic service. Provides for a single police department which will deal with the control of the EU's borders, as well as the formation of the European Parliament in a special chamber of deputies from the euro zone, which would consider the measures relating to the common currency.
Not all of the 11 countries that participated in the drafting of reform of the EU, supported the idea of creating a single European army, so the document speaks of it in cautious terms. "The goal is to create a European defense policy, including common efforts in the defense industry, including the creation of a single market weapons. For some countries, members of the group in time this will mean the creation of a European army ", - stated in the document.
As noted by the British press, the emergence of a plan of centralization of power in the EU will increase in the UK sentiment in favor of a referendum on the country's membership in the EU institutions, the benefit of which is favored by many lawmakers from the ruling Conservative Party.